Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Easter Surprise

On Easter morning we found an Easter surprise:


Well, Easter was great! 14 family members gaatherd around a table (make that 2 tables) in my grandparents house. We then had a feast! The family members included my Auntie Steph, Uncle Merv and their kids Adele, Jon and Dan. There was also my Uncle Nigel and Auntie Kate with their kids Ellie Kez and Sam. Me my mom, Jenn and my grandma and grandpa were also there.

After that, we had a easter egg hunt. I never knew a 16 year old boy could get so exited over an easter egg hunt. There was Dan at the table and my mom was trying to explain what the rules were, "Okay kids, there are easter eggs at every place that the clues lead you to-" "AT EVERY NPLACE?!?!?!?!?" ,that was Dan, "MOM! WHY HAVEN'T YOU DONE THIS BEFORE?!?!?!" "Calm down Dan, it's okay, there are 7 of you and seven places that eggs are hiding. Once you get to a hiding spot, one person gets those eggs, then the next person gets the eggs at the next place so you all get to have a bag of easter eggs. Get it Dan?" "At every place??" So we got out there and started on our hunt...

We got back and just relaxed. Uncle Nigel and his family went home and we all and went to bed.